Mariah Carey Returns to Ocean Meme

Unless you were under a rock for the past decade you’ve probably heard Mariah Carey’s “All I want for Christmas is You” a million times every holiday season. So it is no wonder she’s become an internet meme in herself for her inevitable return each late November, early December. But now, sadly that time has passed, and now we must say goodbye to Mariah until next year. So lucky for us someone unknown has made the perfect meme to say goodbye for now as Mariah Carey returns to the ocean for now.

Mariah Carey rising and the Die Hard Christmas debate are part of the joys of Christmas. We all know its coming after Thanksgiving, and there are many memes about that as well. Such as the following.

If you are one of the very, very few lucky ones that hasn’t hear this special Christmas song, allow us to ruin it with the music video below of the song mentioned by Mariah. Also, if you happen to know where this meme came from, please let us know by email, Facebook or comments!