Month: July 2022
Dad Jokes
Text Jokes | Images/Memes | Videos (TikTok) Cheesy, cornball jokes that dads love to tell. These easy to catch, punny jokes are usually timeless and seem to make their way into all of pulp culture. Movies, television, memes, and even YouTube videos aren’t safe from dad humor. Some Dad Joke Texts How do you make…
She’s A 10 but… Memes
“He’s a 10 but…” or “She’s a 10 but…” memes supposedly started when Tiktok star Leah Woods. Leah started a would you date type rating game such as, he’s a 6 but has a nice truck. Which her friend replies then he is an 8. This jumped started a new meme format for 2022, “a…
July 4th (Independence Day) Memes
Happy America Day to the USA and whoever else in the world wants to celebrate with us! Here is our collection of July 4th memes. Shoot a firework off for Independence Day with the boys!
Dragon Ball Memes
Dragon Ball is the jam. Dragon Ball memes are even more so. Rather you are talking about Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, or Dragon Ball Super (ok and Dragon Ball GT) there is no doubt they have some of the best and most popular memes around. Here is our collection of some of the best…
TikTok Videos: Best of Karen
Karens can be entitled, rude customers, or invasive people who think they over rule your rights and our laws. Here is a collection of popular and most entertaining Karen videos on TikTok. Some are set up, some seem real, and some are just funny examples.