Journeyman Class: Virtuoso Out Now!

as of May 5th, 2023, a new patch is out. The next class upgrade, Elite class 4 for journeyman, best beginner, is now released with the last update. Upgrade from Mman to Vman! Virtuoso is out now. We are working quickly to give all the details of this new class in Idleon!: Legends of Idleon.

First, after reaching Maestro, is to go to the town in world 4. On the very far right, there will be a quest given to your Maestro to get 1 million deathnote kills on every monster in worlds 1, 2, and 3. Right now we are trying to finish Tysons and Snowman to get the kills needed. Then the next quest to becoming a Virtuoso will be unlocked!