Category: Comics
Play Arts Kai to release Deadpool Action Figure
Play Arts Kai is a select action figure toy company under division of Square Enix. They recreate awesome figures from pop cultures such as Marvel, DC, and Star Wars, along with revisioned and original work. So there is no suprise their soon to be released version of Deadpool is unbelievable. Check out the images below,…
12 Best Deadpool Moments in Comics
Deadpool is hot. His movie proved R rated comic movies can be successful. But he has been pulling his mischief in comics for a long time. Here are 12 of his best moments in comic books.
Doctor Strange Review: Give Marvel A Hand!
Well, in case you haven’t noticed yet,in every Marvel MCU movie in what is called Phase 2, someone loses a hand or arm. This is said to be a shout out to the Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Because not only do they lose hand, but its not a big deal. Hands and arms…
How Does Superman Fly?
Many scientists, writers, and comic fans have pondered this question. Is it the cape? Is it a super jump? or just an unexplained ability. Superman is a hero of great power. So like many super heroes, people are constantly questioning the limit and science of his powers. Here are a few theories around the internet…
Could Hulk Actually Be A Mutant?
Over the years Marvel super heroes have become more related. Heroes may be connected by being a mutant, alien descendants, or related to other marvels. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby had a habit of connecting their comic universes, just like the MCU is now. So, with a few clues and hints, I have a theory that…
Batman Seen in New Suicide Squad Trailer
Last night the internet and DC fan boys got a treat with a new Suicide Squad trailer. Not only does this feauture many scenes not yet shown, it also shows The Dark Night himself, Batman in the trailer. Batman is seen what seems to be him saving Harley Quinn, using the Batmobile, and jumping into…
Who Is Next To Play Spider-Man in Civil War?
After the recent announcement that Marvel will recast Spider-Man to appear in Captain America: Civil War, and possibly other Marvel movies, recasting has started for a younger Peter Parker. Now that Sony and Marvel reached an agreement for movie rights for Spider-Man, and filming has starter for Civil War, the casting has been narrowed down…
X-Men Apocalypse Movie: Early Review and Pictures
This review is for fun and games. I try not to take my comics and movies too serious, but love talking about it. – Cookston Igou X-Men Apocalypse is set to release May 27th, 2016. And so far it is not looking to great. This is coming from someone who grew up loving X-Men comics…