Category: Comics
Thanos Casted! Josh Brolin to play Thanos in Guardians of the Galaxy
After popping up in the end credits for Avengers, everyone is expecting Thanos to be the major villain in Avengers 3. But, we will get a look at him even sooner in Guardians of the Galaxy. And today we found out who is most likely playing him not only in Guardians, but in future Marvel…
Infinity Stones in the Marvel Movie Universe
See the newest update about the Infinity Stones Here: INFINITY STONES IN THE (MCU) MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: Part 2 The Infinity Stones are powerful objects, each giving unique powers of the galaxy, possibly the universe. There are said to be six. In the comics the six stones are called gem and are called the mind,…
Who Has The Infinity Gems, and What Are They?
The Infinity Gems (or Infinite Stones for the Marvel movie universe) are the most powerful items, or collectibles, in the galaxy, and possibly the universe. In Marvel comics there are six infinity gems, but no one is certain if all six will be in the movie. We expect six, because of The Collector saying so…
X-Men: Days Of Future Past – Movie Review (Unspoiled)
Rather you are a huge X-fan or a unfamiliar movie goer, I would give this movie somewhere between a B and B-. I was more impressed than expected with how the stories connected to the past and future of the current X-Men movies. Although many major questions are answered, they never really say how Professor X…
New Guardians of the Galaxy Official Trailer #2 (2014)
Today, after releasing 3 trailers of the trailer (yes they are teasing us with previews of previews now) we finally get to see a more exciting and scenic view of Guardians of the Galaxy in the 2nd official trailer. Just released today, May 19th, the new trailer shows more of each character, more spaceships, and…
X-Men’s Quicksilver in Hardee’s/Carl’s Jr Commercial
A couple of cross over commercial featuring X-Men from X-Men: Days of Future Past eating hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. food products is making its way around the web. The first two commercials released features Quicksilver and Mystique, eating burgers and biscuit. This is one I would like to know the general comic book fan’s view…
X-Men: Days of Future Past – 2nd Trailer
Today, March 24th, Fox released the second, more complete, trailer for X-Men: Days of Future past. It is a stronger trailer than the previous, giving more intro to the story, but even more depth and display of characters and powers involved. ` In itself it seems like Days of Future Past may end up being…
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch in X-Men and Avengers Movies (VS)
As the time of release comes near for both X-Men: Days of Future Past and Avengers 2: Ultron, more concept work and other details about the movie unfolds, or leaks. Quicksilver in X-Men – Left. Quicksilver in Avengers – Right Here we will be taking a look at the characters featured in both movies, Quicksilver…
Mega Man X Makes His Comic Debut
Giving the fans what they want seems to be the them lately in comics. Archie Comics does just that in one of the latest issues of Mega Man, Mega Man #34. The story line of X begins in the pages, while the regular Mega Man story continues.